In the sacred verses of Deuteronomy 30:9-10, 14, 19, God imparts an invaluable lesson to humanity about the boundless rewards that come with steadfast loyalty and devotion to Him. God assures us that prosperity, multiplying the fruit of our labor, and our journey to the promised land will be fruitful as long as our hearts and souls remain loyal to His teachings. 

The essence of His words is echoed in verse 14, emphasizing that His instructions are within our grasp, resting closely in our hearts and mouths, guiding us towards actionable faith. Yet, the Almighty also recognizes the power of free will He has bestowed upon us. He presents a clear choice: life or death, blessing or curse, prosperity or adversity. 

The decision lies in our hands. Maintaining unwavering faith becomes a formidable challenge in the tumultuous landscape of life, filled with distractions and temptations. External influences often pull us towards fleeting pleasures, momentary happiness, and the transient dopamine highs. Such diversions can weaken our resolve, making us susceptible to doubts and leading us astray from God's path. However, veering away from God's teachings can amplify life's hardships, pushing us into more profound despair.

Building character and personality is paramount in such moments of uncertainty. A strong character is an anchor, helping us withstand the storms of doubt and hesitation. It enables us to stay obedient, prioritize eternal happiness over temporary joy, and remain grounded in God's teachings.

Deuteronomy 31:7 serves as a clarion call to all aspiring leaders, echoing the importance of strength, determination, and unwavering faith. God emphasizes that to conquer our promised land, hesitation, and doubt have no place in our hearts. The journey forward might be fraught with challenges, but remembering past miseries or yearning for what we've left behind will only hinder our progress.

In verse 23 of chapter 31, God's message is direct and potent: be strong and resolute. It's a universal appeal, urging us to persevere through tough times, always remembering our initial reasons for embarking on this journey. The past, with its hardships and tribulations, was a lesson, not a life sentence. God has brought us to our current position because He believes in our potential and doesn't wish us to revert to old ways. Moving forward with unwavering faith and determination is the only path.

In conclusion, if you are in a challenging situation, always remember the sacrifices and choices that brought you to your current position. What lies behind is a chapter closed, and what awaits is a future filled with God's blessings. Stay true to your path, cherish your progress, and never let the allure of the past deter you from your promised land. After all, the journey with God, no matter how arduous, always leads to a destination of unparalleled prosperity and peace.